Hi :)
About Me...
My name is Sanny Fox, and I’m 31 years old. I’m originally from Latvia but now I live in the United Kingdom. Here are the things I absolutely love:
I love to learn and teach.
I love to learn and master the online marketing game.
I love personal development, success, and achieving goals and things.
I love people, and I love helping them.
And I love the beautiful and amazing side of life that God has created for us.
I think I’m here to help people see that, awaken to that, and live from the love and gifts our Father God would love us to live from. I believe that life is a choice, and we need to choose love, success, abundance, goodness, and joy. Because from there all of God’s love, gifts, abundance, success, and all that we will ever want and need come.
This choice will result in how happy, joyful, abundant, passionate, fulfilled, and blessed we will be, whether in business or in life. That’s the formula right there ;)
My Story...
I started my entrepreneurial journey with the hope and dream of creating financial freedom and living my life on my own terms.
I wanted the freedom to do what I wanted, live how I pleased, and be financially independent and free. For me, working a 9-5 job and trading all my time, talents, capabilities, and value as a person for money never made sense. There are so many ways to make money and generate income to live a good and even great life.
Anyway, I saw this ''making money online'' as a great opportunity, as an option, as a chance to achieve that goal and live the dream life of complete independence, freedom, joy, abundance, success, and love.
I believe that we’re not here to suffer but to enjoy and experience the beauty of all that life offers and that God created for us. I believe that life is fundamentally amazing and perfect, but we just fail to see, acknowledge, and create all that we would love, like, and prefer. I believe that we are loved, that God is love and good, and that life is PERFECT in its essence (kind of know at this point), and we just need to play this game of life right (smart) to receive all of God’s abundance, love, gifts, beauty, and even magic.
About Me...
When I started my journey, it wasn’t all sunshine and roses. Quite the contrary, it was a very frustrating and challenging experience as most things out here in the online marketing world are plain and simple low-value and not designed for people to succeed, but rather so others profit.
Most of the stuff out there in the online space is just so people can make money, not to genuinely help others in their path. As a result of that, most people are actually failing in the online space to make any money online.
It’s estimated that the number is 95% or so. Which is just ridiculous.
Where is the love?
Anyway, so the journey has been quite tough and rough for me, not only in learning all about this online marketing world and how it mechanically and logically works but also in my personal development.
This is also one of the laws in the online space as well as in the success and personal development world:
Your income will reflect how you have grown as a person and how much you add value to the marketplace. So if we invest in ourselves and grow, we ENERGETICALLY become more valuable, and thus life energetically reflects that.
But I didn’t have these 2 things in place, nor was I even aware of them: the mechanical and logical structure of the online marketing world and how it is and works, and my own personal development and growth in my journey towards my income goal and the life I want.
I just didn’t know...
So I failed a lot and focused on the wrong things. Years of persistence and desire for success and the dream life of complete freedom kept me pushing, kept me learning, and kept me MOVING FORWARD...
Never Give Up On Your Dreams!
If you ask for something, if you dream of something, if you want something, the universe’s job is for you to give it. And God will be right there with you with his unconditional love and support. If you just let go and surrender more to God's love, guidance, and plan.
You just need to ask, be on the right path, grow, and become the person who can be a vibrational match for what you asked for.
You DO NOT need to worry about the how. Leave that to the universal machine and God.
Your job is just to keep on... thinking, wanting, focusing, and moving forward with a successful and positive mind, appreciation and gratitude for the journey and all that life gives, and to have love and joy in your heart for yourself, life, others, and, of course, God.
That’s the formula right there ;)
Anyway, I’m now in a good place of knowledge and understanding of how this online marketing game works and how life and the universe work, and all that knowledge and understanding helped me to create the life I always wanted. I now do what and how I want and live a financially free and abundant life filled with joy, success, and love.
I truly wish for everyone who has love in their heart and the willingness to do what is needed to experience the same.
We are all amazing, unique, gifted, and loved beings. Aspark of God's infinite light. And life can IS amazing and perfect. We just need to learn how to play it smart (right) to get the results we want in business and in life.
I’m now devoted to sharing the knowledge, understanding, tools, training, and all that people need in order to succeed in their online entrepreneurship journey and generally in life, so they don’t need to experience as much pain, struggle, and, quite frankly, BS as I did.
It’s not required!
I believe in an easy, simple, and fun path towards what we want and success.
Let’s win together!
Thank you for taking your time and reading my bio.
God is love ❤️
Product Title #1
The step-by-step guide to bringing order into your life and business, and creating a true freedom others only dream about
Product Title #2
The step-by-step guide to bringing order into your life and business, and creating a true freedom others only dream about
Product Title #3
The step-by-step guide to bringing order into your life and business, and creating a true freedom others only dream about